Top Rated Place to Visit in Phnom Penh, Wat Phnom Hill, Cambodia Tours

Top Rated Place to Visit in Phnom Penh, Wat Phnom Hill, Cambodia Tours

រមណីយដ្ឋាន​ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ​វត្តភ្នំ គឺ​ជាបេះដូងនៃរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ Wat Phnom Hill is the Buddhist temple located in the heart of Phnom Penh Capital City and is often bustling with locals leaving offering...

The Nearest Weekend Place to Visit for Family Lunch in Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tours

The Nearest Weekend Place to Visit for Family Lunch in Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tours

សួនរំដួលរីករាយ​ បរិយាកាស​ល្អ​ ទីកន្លែង​ស្អាត​ធំទូលាយ​ Romdoul Reak Reay farm located in Sangkat Bak Kheng and about 17km from Chroy Changva bridge. Cambodian people would like to visit this place on w...

Cambodia Postal Code

A postal code is a series of letters and/or digits​ appended to a postal address for​ the purpose of sorting mail.​ When you need to send the mail or receive it, you/the sender need to know this posta...
